Nothing is the Mother of Everything.
-Imre Vallyon
Nothing, then, is not Something.
-Henry Fielding
Nothing arises from being.
It originates in being.
It is perpetuated by being.
It is nourished and sustained from the substance of being.
When it has appears to disappear, vanish away or cease to exist,
it has merely returned again to the essence of being itself.
-Manly Hall
For in fact what is man in nature?
A Nothing in comparison with the Infinite,
an All in comparison with the Nothing,
a mean between nothing and everything.
-Blaise Pascal
Life is Nothingness's search for Something.
-Christian Morgenstern
In the beginning there was nothing,
which exploded.
-Terry Pratchett
Night was striding across nothingness
with the whole round world in his hands.
-Zora Neale Hurston
Nothing is the building block of the universe.
-John Wheeler
Nothing is more real than nothing.
-Samuel Beckett
Nothing will come of nothing.
-William Shakespeare
Created "out of nothing"...
does not mean vacuum or negation,
but rather, a formless or bodiless condition of existence.
-Imre Vallyon
The nothingness was a nakedness, a point
Beyond which fact could not progress as fact.
-Wallace Stevens
Nothing happens
until something moves.
-Marcus Aurelius
Nothing can be born of nothing,
nothing can be resolved into nothing.
It began of nothing
and in nothing ends.
-Gaius Cornelius Gallus
Nothing of nothing remains.
And we are nothing.
-Fernando Pessoa
There is so much Everything
that Nothing is hidden quite nicely.
-Wislawa Szymborska
Nothingness is "something"
we can actually experience.
-David A. Cooper
Nothing is often a good thing to do
and always a clever thing to say.
-Will Durant
Nothing on earth puts more pressure
on the human mind than nothing.
-Stefan Zweig
To understand nothing takes time.
-Zen Saying
It takes a long time
to understand nothing.
-Edward Dahlberg
Only a few arrive at nothing,
because the road is long.
-Antonio Porchia
There is nothing but what is said.
Beyond what is said there is nothing.
-Samuel Beckett
All I say cancels out,
I'll have said nothing.
-Samuel Beckett
Listen to the nothing.
Read the blank.
-Edmond Jabes
The void is waiting for a vocabulary.
-Edmond Jabes
The void is where we do not perceive,
it is the latent potential
from which all things arise.
-Steven Sadleir
Such seeming nothingness not only lasts
but contains within itself enormous energy
which is revealed gradually.
-Czeslaw Milosz
The Void is both the source of nothingness
and, at the very same time,
the source of everythingness.
In short, the void is the limitless context
in which your entire world is both
appearing and disappearing.
-Chuck Hillig
When one knows that the Great Void is full of ch'i,
one realizes that there is no such thing as nothingness.
-Fritjof Capra
By definition, the divine or Absolute
is "that" which is non-relative,
and the only thing that can be non-relative is a void or voids.
-Bernadette Roberts
The void seeks out fullness in order to be fulfilled;
fullness is attracted to the void
in order to fill it with abundance.
-Omraam Mikhael Aivahov
Void means nonlinear and the absence of 'thingness', or linearity.
Beyond Voidness is the ultimate, all-inclusive nonlinear reality of Allness.
-David R. Hawkins
While the Void is an impressive spiritual experience,
it is not the Ultimate State, which, correctly, is that of Allness.
-David R. Hawkins
A void must never be a goal in itself.
-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
Nothing is not only nothing.
It is also our prison.
-Antonio Porchia
Nothingness haunts being.
-Jean-Paul Sartre
There is nothing but Nothingness.
-Irina Tweedie's Naqshbandhi sheikh
Nothing is the shadow of Everything.
-Meher Baba
Like the hollow nothingness within the seed of a tree,
which contains the potential of the entire tree,
the experience of nothingness in the unmanifest field
has within it the lively potential of everything in creation.
-Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
Moment after moment
everything comes out of nothingness.
This is the true joy of life.
-Shunryu Suzuki
The pitcher of nothingness
from which all artists draw.
-Christian Morgenstern
I collect nothing -
with a passion.
-William Davies King
A good thing:
not so good as Nothing.
-A Zen Forest: Sayings of the Masters
Having forgotten everything,
one effortlessly remembers
-Anthony Paul Moo-Young, "Mooji"
Seeing into Nothingness -
this is the true seeing, the eternal seeing.
Seeing now means seeing only Nothing.
-Edmond Jabes
What a happy abode is nothingness!
-Khwaja 'Abdullah Ansari
The game is not about becoming somebody,
it's about becoming nobody.
-Richard Alpert, "Ram Dass"
To be absolutely nothing
is to be beyond measure.
-Jiddu Krishnamurti
Do you want to be All?
Then go, go and become Nothing.
-Fakhr ud-Din 'Iraqi
Nothing is silent.
Nothing is full of love. 
Nothing defines who you really are.
Nothing is beyond contradiction.
Nothing is without beginning 
and without end.
Nothing is perfect.
Become nothing.
-Leonard Jacobson

You are nothing when you wed the One;
but you are everything when you become nothing.
-Fakhr ud-Din 'Iraqi
To be absolutely nothing is to be everything.
-Thomas Merton
What is left for you to do:
to undo yourself in this nothing that you do.
-Maurice Blanchot
It's never too late to do nothing.
-Zen Saying
They laboriously do nothing.
-Lucius Annaeus Seneca
The real "doing nothing"
implies inner non-resistance and intense alertness.
-Eckhart Tolle
My eyes are squeezed by this blackness.
I see nothing.
-Sylvia Plath
The invisible and nonexistent
look very much alike.
-Delos B. McKown
Perhaps this is much ado about nothing.
-William Shakespeare
Nothing's new, nothing's true
and nothing matters.
-Sidney Morgan
The reason to examine nothingness
is to see that it is nothing.
-Hugh Prather
There is a good deal more to nothing than meets the eye.
-John D. Barrow